DHTMLX Blog - Scheduler

Articles tagged “Scheduler”

Joomla! and WP Plugins for dhtmlxScheduler Updated

1 min read
Right after the release of dhtmlxScheduler version 2.1, we updated the calendar plugins for the Joomla! and WordPress CMSs. The new plugin version 1.3 includes improvements and fixes introduced in the latest release of dhtmlxS...

dhtmlxScheduler 2.1 Released

1 min read
Updated: The Scheduler skin builder tool was deprecated. We've updated our Ajax events calendar dhtmlxScheduler to version 2.1. The new release was improved with Agenda and Year Views, which give you more options to displa...

WordPress Plugin for dhtmlxScheduler

1 min read
Today we released the WordPress plugin for dhtmlxScheduler. It allows easy integration of Ajax-enabled event calendar into WordPress CMS. The plugin supports the major functionality of dhtmlxScheduler and doesn't require any a...

dhtmlxScheduler Released

2 min read
DHTMLX announced the release of its new product - dhtmlxScheduler, a web-based appointment calendar which offers a simple in-browser scheduling solution. With smooth Ajax-enabled interface, dhtmlxScheduler allows users to add,...
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