DHTMLX Blog - Scheduler

Articles tagged “Scheduler”

iCal Export/Import Tool for dhtmlxScheduler

2 min read
Having provided a web-based scheduling solution, dhtmlxScheduler, we understand the importance of being able to share events and tasks between users or devices, which is often done via iCal format. Due to its popularity, iCal ...

Event Calendar for WP and Joomla! Updated to Version 2.3

2 min read
After the release of dhtmlxScheduler 2.3, we have also updated its WordPress and Joomla! plugins to include all the latest fixes and also provide a couple of noticeable enhancements. So here we are with the latest news about t...

dhtmlxScheduler 2.3 Offers New Options and Possibilities

3 min read
We are happy to introduce Version 2.3 of dhtmlxScheduler which reflects our constant effort to make the calendar more flexible and user-friendly. With this new release, dhtmlxScheduler underwent a number of changes. We added M...

dhtmlxScheduler Now iPad-Friendly

2 min read
UPDATE: Since version 3.7, dhtmlxScheduler supports all touchscreen devices (iOS, Android, Windows 8) without any additional extensions. There is also a mobile version of the scheduler, which is optimized for small screens of ...

A New Look of dhtmlxScheduler

1 min read
Updated: The Skin Builder for DHTMLX Scheduler was deprecated. Check how to customize the look and feel of the DHTMLX Scheduler in the documentation. Today we released a new skin for our Ajax event calendar dhtmlxScheduler....

dhtmlxScheduler 2.2 Released

3 min read
We are pleased to announce the update of dhtmlxScheduler to version 2.2. dhtmlxScheduler is a flexible and light-weight JavaScript scheduling calendar that provides an advanced scheduling solution, empowered with top-notch fun...

Printing Capabilities. Part 2 – dhtmlxScheduler.

2 min read
About three months ago, we introduced a solution for converting dhtmlxGrid to PDF to provide the ability to print grid content. Now it's time to do the same for dhtmlxScheduler, just as we promised. The Scheduler-to-PDF soluti...

dhtmlxScheduler and Google Calendar: Collaboration

4 min read
NOTE: This tutorial is outdated. Please see this post on how to synchronize dhtmlxScheduler with Google Calendar. When developing dhtmlxScheduler, we were certainly inspired by Google Calendar, one of the most popular onlin...
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