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timeline gantt chart

Comparing Gantt Chart and Timeline Chart

6 min read
From time to time during our professional career, we can stumble upon tools and techniques that seemingly perform the same work. This is also true for different types of charts. And if we can intuitively determine in what situ...

dhtmlxSuite 5.0.8 Maintenance Release [PRO]

2 min read
The DHTMLX JavaScript widget library gets minor improvements and is updated to the version 5.0.8. It's a planned maintenance release that includes the following fixes and improvements: dhtmlxForm loadStructHTML API for...

D3 Gantt Charts vs DHTMLX Gantt

5 min read
Presenting data in visual form allows absorbing information better. Different types of sophisticated lists, schedules, or measurements can be more understandable if we turn them into the charts or infographics. But when we tal...

2016: How It Was. 2017: How It Will Be

2 min read
Hello friends! 2016 was bright and remarkable year for our company and we want to summarize what has happened and what our plans are for 2017. dhtmlxSuite Our JavaScript library for creating enterprise web applications ...
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dhtmlxVault: When and How to Use File Upload Component

4 min read
If you plan to create a web application that, among the other useful features, allows a user to upload some files to the server, you should take care of neat and handy upload component. In this case, dhtmlxVault is exactly wha...

Using DHTMLX Gantt Chart with ASP.NET and REST API

11 min read
Today, we'll talk about creating a Gantt chart application with ASP.NET and REST API on the server-side. We will make use of ASP.NET MVC 5 web platform and Web API 2 Controller for REST API to create a Gantt application. To or...
Gantt - Auto scheduling

Lead and Lag, or What You Need to Know about Auto Scheduling in Gantt

8 min read
Updated on June 13, 2023. The importance of automating the behavior of a project schedule increases manifold as the project’s complexity grows. By saying “complex”, we don’t necessarily mean the overall quantity of tasks that your project consists of. ...

Suite Roadmap 2016-2017: What to Expect in Future Updates

2 min read
Hello everybody! We'd like to keep the users of ourJavaScript widget library - DHTMLX Suite - informed about what is going to be released in future updates, what improvements and integrations we are working on now. One the...

Accessibility in Your Web Applications

4 min read
Following up our recent update of dhtmlxGantt and its new features, we'd like to provide you quite useful information about the necessity of accessibility support in your web applications. Adaptability and flexibility of mo...
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