dhtmlxSuite 4.5.1 and dhtmlxVault 2.4.1 – Hot Fixes Released

Thanks to our client’s reports, we were managed to determine and fix some important issues in dhtmlxForm and dhtmlxVault components. So, you are welcome to update your Suite (or just Form) packages to the version 4.5.1 and Vault to the version 2.4.1.


This Hot Fix includes fixing of XSS vulnerability in swf that was found in dhtmlxVault and dhtmlxForm.

Moreover, dhtmlxVault got other fixes, in particular:

  • delayed UI refresh on upload is fixed
  • setSizes fixed when vault attached to a cell in web skin
  • integration with sidebar demo added
  • demos cosmetic fix

You may download the Standard Edition of dhtmlxSuite, dhtmlxForm and dhtmlxVault.

PRO users need just to re-download the packages of dhtmlxSuite 4.5, dhtmlxForm 4.5 and dhtmlxVault 2.4 using the same link.

We’d like to thank our clients for this important report one more time. We highly appreciate your participation in our libraries’ life.

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