DHTMLX Blog - Suite UI Library

Articles tagged “Suite UI Library”

DHTMLX Suite 4.4 Beta is Available

1 min read
In just two weeks Microsoft releases Windows 10 with a new browser, Microsoft Edge. We've spent much time to prepare our DHTMLX JavaScript widget library for this update. And we're happy to inform you that the final tests have...

Meet dhtmlxSuite 4.2 with New Component – dhtmlxSidebar

2 min read
We are excited to announce the update of our JavaScript widget library - DHTMLX Suite. This update is directed to enhance the functionality of the library by fixing the known bugs and making other improvements. We didn't add l...

dhtmlxSuite 4.1: Your DHTMLX based apps run on touch devices

2 min read
We are happy to inform you about the update of our JavaScript widget library. Meet dhtmlxSuite 4.1 with touch devices support, a number of new features, and lots of significant enhancements. This update comes with lots of t...
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5000+ customers use DHTMLX widgets to create powerful web apps