dhtmlxScheduler Updated to Version 4.3

We are pleased to announce that our JavaScript Scheduling Calendar, dhtmlxScheduler, is updated to the version 4.3. This update brings us some new features, lots of fixes and improvements.

Multiple days in Units view

This update introduces a long-awaited and cool ability to display multiple days in Units view. So now, using the days parameter, you can display even the whole week (or any number of days) divided into the sections.


New Timeline mode

A new way to present data in Timeline view is added in dhtmlxScheduler v4.3. You can display the days instead of sections. It gives you the ability to show entire several days instead of some parts of them.


What else is new in dhtmlxScheduler 4.3?

  • New events for the ‘expand’ extension;
  • New option – now_date for the Limit extension;
  • New option – touch_tooltip for the Tooltip extension;
  • Ability to link events using the URL extension;
  • Fixes for DST issues;
  • Fix for an issue with creating new events on touch devices in the Timeline view.

Also this update includes fixes of compatibility issues with dhtmlxSuite and other small improvements. Check the full list of changes and the details in our documentation.

Other changes

Please note that the licensing and editions terms has also been changed. You may find the license details here.

You can download the Standard Edition of dhtmlxScheduler here. The PRO users with active support subscription will receive the updated version via email.

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