DHTMLX Blog - Scheduler

Articles tagged “Scheduler”

dhtmlxScheduler Updated to Version 4.3

2 min read
We are pleased to announce that our JavaScript Scheduling Calendar, dhtmlxScheduler, is updated to the version 4.3. This update brings us some new features, lots of fixes and improvements. Multiple days in Units view Thi...

DHTMLX Scheduler Updated to Version 4.2

2 min read
Meet the updated version of our JavaScript Scheduler to version 4.2! This update introduces fixes of known bugs, performance improvements and a number of new and improved features. This update was directed to solve the know...

DHTMLX Scheduler .NET 3.1. Released

1 min read
We are glad to inform about the update of DHTMLX Scheduler .NET to version 3.1. DHTMLX Scheduler .NET is a server-side wrapper for the JavaScript dhtmlxScheduler, optimized specifically for ASP.NET framework. Now it supp...

dhtmlxScheduler Updated to Version 4.1

4 min read
We are pleased to announce the release of dhtmlxScheduler 4.1, an embeddable JavaScript scheduling calendar for planning and managing events and tasks. Version 4.1 introduces a new flat skin, enhanced export to PNG and PDF,...
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