Articles tagged “ASP.Net”

Customer Spotlight: DHTMLX Scheduler for Exelsys

2 min read
The global software development company Exelsys is in the process of incorporating DHTMLX Scheduler in the new version of their product. The frontend developer Volodymyr shares his experience of using JavaScript schedulers and...
Customer Spotlight - company

Customer Spotlight: DHTMLX Scheduler for Proteo

8 min read
Today our special guests are the CEO of the British transport software provider Proteo Andrew Scott and front-end developer Rupert Hammond. The Proteo team has been using DHTMLX Scheduler for about five years. We are delig...
Scheduler.NET 4.0

Major Update 4.0 of DHTMLX Scheduler.NET

1 min read
We're happy to introduce the Major Update 4.0 of our Scheduling component specially tailored for ASP.NET! V4.0 brings out the most anticipated features: Modern Material skin Horizontal scrollbar for the Timeline view ...

New Demo: Car Rental Calendar (JavaScript + PHP)

1 min read
We are happy to present a new dhtmlxScheduler demo. You can download and explore a demo app of a car rental management system. It's widespread use case of booking calendars, because it's pretty convenient to see all the car re...

Scheduler.NET Calendar Updated to Version 3.4

1 min read
Good news! We've updated Scheduler.NET calendar to the version 3.4. This release caught up JavaScript Scheduler update and introduces the same new features: WAI-ARIA support; Keyboard navigation; High-contrast themes (b...

Hotel Room Reservation Demo Released (JavaScript + PHP)

1 min read
We are happy to present you a demo room booking system based on DHTMLX Scheduler and PHP as a backend. It's a demo app, but you can use it as a starting point of a full-featured room booking application by adding new features ...

Using DHTMLX Gantt Chart with ASP.NET and REST API

11 min read
Today, we'll talk about creating a Gantt chart application with ASP.NET and REST API on the server-side. We will make use of ASP.NET MVC 5 web platform and Web API 2 Controller for REST API to create a Gantt application. To or...
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