DHTMLX Blog - Suite UI Library

Articles tagged “Suite UI Library”

dhtmlxSuite 4.1: Your DHTMLX based apps run on touch devices

2 min read
We are happy to inform you about the update of our JavaScript widget library. Meet dhtmlxSuite 4.1 with touch devices support, a number of new features, and lots of significant enhancements. This update comes with lots of t...
customer say

JS2DX – JavaScript Library API

3 min read
One of the users of our DHTMLX library, Sergei Sheinin, has created a JavaScript Library API named JS2DX. We would like to present Sergei's overview of it and we suppose that some of you will find JS2DX useful and appropriate ...

DHTMLX 4.0 Released with New Look and Faster Performance

3 min read
We are happy to introduce the release of DHTMLX 4.0, a complete JavaScript widget library. This update includes performance improvements, bug fixes, and a significant increase in speed. Also, the new release brings smooth ren...

DHTMLX 4.0 Preview: New Skins, Improved Performance

4 min read
We are now working hard on the new update of dhtmlxSuite, a collection of JavaScript UI widgets. The main part is almost completed and we are on the stage of testing, bug fixing, and updating the documentation for the new rele...

Learning DHTMLX Suite UI Book

2 min read
If you like to gain new knowledge from books and would like to get a short course to the DHTMLX library, there is a good news for you. Packt Publishing released a book called "Learning DHTMLX Suite UI" written by Eli Geske, a ...

Building the DHTMLX Library with Grunt

4 min read
Grunt is a JavaScript task runner. It is like a swiss knife of JavaScript development. Due to the multiple plugins, Grunt can be used for wide set of tasks: file preprocessing, code minification, code linting, publishing, etc....

DHTMLX Hot Fix for IE11 is Available

1 min read
Due to the functional peculiarities of the recently released IE11, DHTMLX users might encounter a number of malfunctions in their apps. To overcome these issues, please update affected files or the complete packages. This ...

Tips on How to Minify the DHTMLX Files

8 min read
This post is for developers who work closely with the DHTMLX library and would like to use its advantages in a most proper way. As you might already know, there are a few options to include the DHTMLX library on a page: ...
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