DHTMLX Blog - Suite UI Library

Articles tagged “Suite UI Library”
Form builder

Creating Registration Form with Online Form Builder

4 min read
Let's face it - a very small number of web applications goes without forms. Just once in the life developers created a form for the app, whether a small one with 2 inputs for login or a large application form. To improve the f...
maintenance release suite 5.0

dhtmlxSuite 5.0.1 Maintenance Release is Out [PRO]

1 min read
We'd like to inform you that a maintenance release for the DHTMLX JavaScript widget library is out, so you can update to the most stable version. What's fixed in dhtmlxSuite 5.0.1: [Grid] Incorrect target during com...
ja tree menu

Tree vs. TreeView: What’s the Difference

2 min read
dhtmlxTreeView has joined dhtmlx components crew recently. It's a JavaScript tree menu component for displaying tree structure in your app. "But wait!", you may say, "We've already had dhtmlxTree for these purposes. What Tree ...

Wrappers for Suite Components from an AngularJS Fan

3 min read
Emanuil Glavchev made an important contribution that many dhtmlx users were looking for. He has created wrappers for some of the DHTMLX library controls that enables using it with AngularJS Framework. So, most popular Suite co...

Behind the Scenes: On the Way to dhtmlxSuite 5.0

2 min read
Time flies fast. Our JavaScript widget library is almost ready to be updated to the version 5.0. We want you to be aware of the current status of our hard work on this long-awaited update, so continue reading to get know how i...

How To Improve DHTMLX Libraries? 3 Simple Ways

1 min read
As a follow-up to our news about DHTMLX Suite roadmap, we'd like to tell you how your suggestions can appear in new versions or on our public roadmap. It concerns not only dhtmlxSuite, but dhtmlxGantt, dhtmlxScheduler, dhtmlxV...
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