DHTMLX Blog - Suite UI Library

Articles tagged “Suite UI Library”

How To Improve DHTMLX Libraries? 3 Simple Ways

1 min read
As a follow-up to our news about DHTMLX Suite roadmap, we'd like to tell you how your suggestions can appear in new versions or on our public roadmap. It concerns not only dhtmlxSuite, but dhtmlxGantt, dhtmlxScheduler, dhtmlxV...

DHTMLX Suite Roadmap: Plans, Wishes, Your Participation

3 min read
We decided to start a very good practice - we share our plans of dhtmlxSuite development in order you could be aware of what to expect. Moreover, we'd like you to take a part in this planning. In this post you'll get know the ...

Gantt, Scheduler and Suite Documentation is Available in PDF

1 min read
Updated: 08.11.2019. If you need to download and use DHTMLX documentation offline, please contact our technical support team. We are glad to inform you that now you can download dhtmlxSuite, dhtmlxGantt and dhtmlxScheduler ...

DHTMLX Suite 4.4 Beta is Available

1 min read
In just two weeks Microsoft releases Windows 10 with a new browser, Microsoft Edge. We've spent much time to prepare our DHTMLX JavaScript widget library for this update. And we're happy to inform you that the final tests have...
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