DHTMLX Blog - All posts

Articles tagged “All posts”
customer say

Customer Spotlight: dhtmlxGantt for KeyWorks OS

3 min read
It's such a great pleasure to find out that our products meet the needs of clients from all over the world. Our Italian colleagues from KeyWorks OS, who provide solutions for the Italian public administration, shared with us t...
gantt 5.1

dhtmlxGantt 5.1: Resource Management, RTL Mode and More

4 min read
We are proud to introduce our new release of dhtmlxGantt: the version 5.1. It brings you such long-awaited features as resource planning and ability to use right-to-left mode. Continue reading to learn everything about the upd...
js diagram

Meet Major Update of dhtmlxDiagram – Version 2.0 is Here

3 min read
DHTMLX Diagram library makes a big step forward and receives a major update: the version 2.0 is out. Now, when using dhtmlxDiagram, you can build different types of diagrams and graphs! Besides, there are plenty of useful upda...
export ms project

Export from dhtmlxGantt to MS Project Updated

1 min read
Great news for users (and future users) of Export from dhtmlxGantt to MS Project. Now you have the ability to export resources along with the tasks and links. While dhtmlxGantt doesn't have a built-in resource management c...
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