A few months ago we told you about the new export functionality available for dhtmlxGrid (export to PDF and Excel) and dhtmlxScheduler (export to PDF). These features were ‘fresh’ and had a few imperfections, but they have been since tested and improved. Today we present the update pack that eliminates all the known bugs.
What’s New
Though the bug fixes were a great deal of work, we’ve also made a number of improvements to each feature. For example, there are two major enhancements in dhtmlxScheduler-to-PDF. The first one is the option to export Unit View to PDF, which you couldn’t do in the previous version.

dhtmlxScheduler - Export to PDF
The second improvement for the Scheduler-to-PDF service is support for custom colors. Now you can view the colored events in a PDF file, the same way as they would look in dhtmlxScheduler embedded on a webpage.
As for dhtmlxGrid, we have removed all the limitations for export functionality, which could be quite annoying if you used grids with complex structures. Now both grid-to-PDF and grid-to-Excel features support:
- Hidden columns
- Footer
- Custom colors
So with this update you are free to use the advanced grid options without having to worry about problems on export.

dhtmlxGrid - Export to PDF
The Grid-to-Excel service also allows custom content, which means that you can add some additional content (e.g., a company logo) to the Excel file generated from dhtmlxGrid.
Use the links below to download the newest PHP version of the export packages:
UPDATE: If you need the export functionality for Java or ASP.NET, you can download these packages here.
Answers to configuration questions concerning the mentioned features can be found in the appropriate documentation:
What’s Next
In the future, we plan to extend the list of the Scheduler views available for export to PDF, and the next update will bring printing capabilities to the TimeLine View, for both tree and cell modes. If you have any ideas or suggestions on export functionality for both dhtmlxGrid and dhtmlxScheduler, feel free to share them in the comments.