dhtmlxSlider allows developers to set initial values and assign minimal/maximal numbers, as well as the size of each
step between slider values. The results can be set by dragging the slider’s handle or by manually entering numbers into
the input field. You are able to add and determine the location of a label, apply a tooltip to monitor the changes in
values on your React slider bar.
Adjustable vertical and horizontal widget
By default, the React js slider bar is displayed horizontally but can be placed vertically via the mode property; the
inverse property allows displaying a scale in reverse order. The DHTMLX component is entirely configured via its
comprehensive API. Thus, for example, library users can create a control with two thumbs, which is known as a React
range slider.
React Slider with wide customization options
You can modify the look and feel of the Slider, set the necessary intervals between values or mark with a tick only the
lowest and highest numbers. The component’s appearance is fully customized via CSS in order to meet your web app
requirements. Having chosen dhtmlxSlider, you will easily create modern cross-browser slider bars.
Angular and Vue.js frameworks support
Apart from smoothly integrating our slider component into React-based web apps, you can also use Angular and Vue.js
wrappers. We invite you to download a 30-days free trial
to become a happy user of the advanced Suite UI library. Our official support team will assist you during the whole
estimation period
Support & Learning Resources
We provide comprehensive documentation with technical samples. Moreover,
our dedicated support team is fast and qualified. Find the suitable way to get support: