< DHTMLX Suite 9.1: Grid with Row Expander, Multi-sorting, Multiuser Backend, and New Samples

React Data Grid

Being a part of the advanced Suite UI library, dhtmlxGrid is a robust and flexible React data table component
with smooth visual customization.

How to Start with React Data Grid

5 Quick Steps to Integrate Grid with React
Create a Grid.js file and import files and styles of Grid
Create Grid class, which extends the Component class
Add an empty container for Grid with the reference to it in the el property using the ref property
When the component is initialized, initialize Grid and attach the instance to the container with the reference to it in the el property
Specify a set of configuration properties if needed

Product Features

  • Cross-browser compatibility
  • IE11+ support
  • Extensive customization
  • Full control with rich JavaScript API
  • TreeGrid mode
  • Data loading in the JSON format
  • Multiline header and footer
  • Columns and rows spans
  • Custom templates for cells' content
  • Drag-n-drop of multiple rows
  • Marking cells with min and max values
  • Adding custom marks to cells
  • Auto-calculated values in footer/header
  • Ability to freeze any columns and rows
  • Auto width for columns
  • Highlighting a selected cell and row
  • Sorting data
  • Filtering data
  • Exporting data to Excel
  • Various cell editor types
  • Accessibility support

Why Choose DHTMLX React Data Grid

Receive robust grid control

DHTMLX React grid library allows working with volume data sets, includes filtering and multicriteria sorting features (available by default). Add header filters or move them out of the grid. Enable your customers to export grid tables to Excel with one click of a button. Update to PRO edition, parse and serialize data in the XML format with a special module.

Personalize your React grid with flexible API

dhtmlxGrid contains rich API functionality. Tailor your React grid component according to your needs. You can add spans to any grid element, fine-tune the table sizes, specify the columns’ auto width, and freeze one or more columns. Plus, footers or headers can be configured to display minimal, maximum, average or sum of values from any columns you select in the React data grid.

Enjoy clear styling with vast customization possibilities

DHTMLX material UI React grid provides full customization via CSS. Just add new CSS classes to apply different styles to any grid element, including the header, footer, and particular rows. Feature cells with the lowest or highest values and set custom styling to specific units. On top of all, you can insert custom HTML into the cell.

Use Angular and Vue.js wrappers

DHTMLX supports wrappers for the most commonly used frameworks. Apart from initializing our data grid in React, you can integrate the solution into your Angular and Vue.js apps. Give it a try and test our free 30-day trial version. Direct access to our official support team is included.

Support & Learning Resources

We provide comprehensive documentation with technical samples. Moreover, our dedicated support team is fast and qualified. Find the suitable way to get support:

Other Suite Components

dhtmlxGrid Licensing

Individual Commercial Enterprise Ultimate
License Terms
Use in SaaS (unlimited end-users)
Perpetual distribution rights
Support Plan
Standard Support
Premium Support
Premium Support
Ultimate Support
Time Period
1 year
1 year
1 year
1 year
Major, minor, and maintenance updates
Major, minor, and maintenance updates
Major, minor, and maintenance updates
Major, minor, and maintenance updates
Priority queue for bug fixing
Support requests
Response Time
Personal Account Manager
PRO features
Online export to Excel
Free local Excel export module
Online export to PDF/PNG without watermark
Free for 1 year
Free for 1 year
Free for 1 year
Free for 3 years
Free local PDF/PNG module
Up to 40% off
If you choose the whole Suite library instead
of buying DHTMLX UI components separately:

Suite Individual - $799

Suite Commercial - $1699

Suite Enterprise - $3499

Suite Ultimate - $6999


File manager built with the help of Suite components: Layout, Grid, DataView, Toolbar, etc.

If you have an open-source (GNU GPL v2) project and you are not interested in PRO features, you may use DHTMLX Grid Standard Edition for free.
It comes without official technical support, but you can use the community forum instead.

Need help with DHTMLX Grid integration into your app? Contact us