DHTMLX Blog - General Articles

Articles tagged “Scheduler”
Timeline in DHTMLX

JavaScript Timeline Chart Functionality in DHTMLX

8 min read
If it is necessary to visually present data over a specific time span, a JavaScript timeline chart (or diagram) is exactly what you need. This type of chart serves as an effective way to show various processes that are arrange...

New Demo: Car Rental Calendar (JavaScript + PHP)

1 min read
We are happy to present a new dhtmlxScheduler demo. You can download and explore a demo app of a car rental management system. It's widespread use case of booking calendars, because it's pretty convenient to see all the car re...

Hotel Room Reservation Demo Released (JavaScript + PHP)

1 min read
We are happy to present you a demo room booking system based on DHTMLX Scheduler and PHP as a backend. It's a demo app, but you can use it as a starting point of a full-featured room booking application by adding new features ...

How To Improve DHTMLX Libraries? 3 Simple Ways

1 min read
As a follow-up to our news about DHTMLX Suite roadmap, we'd like to tell you how your suggestions can appear in new versions or on our public roadmap. It concerns not only dhtmlxSuite, but dhtmlxGantt, dhtmlxScheduler, dhtmlxV...

Gantt, Scheduler and Suite Documentation is Available in PDF

1 min read
Updated: 08.11.2019. If you need to download and use DHTMLX documentation offline, please contact our technical support team. We are glad to inform you that now you can download dhtmlxSuite, dhtmlxGantt and dhtmlxScheduler ...
Using Gantt and Scheduler with TypeScript

Using DHTMLX Scheduler and DHTMLX Gantt with TypeScript

5 min read
Updated on May 23, 2023. Developing a project management app is a formidable task. We try to help web developers from all over the world by providing feature-packed Gantt and Scheduler JavaScript libraries to speed up the implementation of popular too...

Scheduler Plugins Moved to GitHub

1 min read
As true open source community projects, the scheduler plugins for WordPress and Joomla! are now moved to GitHub. So if you need an appointment calendar for one of these CMS platforms, you can download the latest sources here: ...
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