2016 is getting closer, many new updates and news will be released for you, but now we’d like to sum up the outgoing year. Here is our 2015 in infographic:
1) dhtmlxSuite updated 5 times! These updates brought us three new components – Sidebar, Carousel and List. Besides, lots of new features were added and many improvements were made.
2) dhtmlxGantt has grown to the version 4.0! The control greatly extended its functionality – tasks grouping, auto-scheduling, multi-selection, fullscreen mode, smart rendering and many other new features made our gantt chart more powerful.
3) 7 new tutorials and tools! They are developed to help you to use our components with other technologies and frameworks including MeteorJS, Firebase, Ruby on Rails, Laravel, and Yii 2.
4) 2 new macro components! dhtmlxDataSelector and dhtmlxFileSelector were developed to simplify the process of work with your database and file system.
5) We shared 2 public roadmaps! Two trello boards with our plans and your wishes of future functionality of dhtmlxGantt and dhtmlxSuite are available for voting and your active participation in libraries’ lives.
See you in 2016! ;)