DHTMLX Blog - Tutorials

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Editable Datagrid for Ruby on Rails Built with dhtmlxGrid

9 min read
NOTE: This tutorial is for RoR 2. If you're using RoR 3, please see additional details here. We've also posted an updated tutorial for Ruby on Rails 4. This tutorial will show you how to display tabular data in Ruby on R...

Export dhtmlxGrid to Excel

2 min read
UPDATE: Use the links below to download the newest version of the export packages: dhtmlxGrid-to-Excel for PHP dhtmlxGrid-to-Excel for Java dhtmlxGrid-to-Excel for ASP.NET   Having developed a way to export gri...

Printing capabilities. Part 3. Grid-to-PDF Improvements.

2 min read
UPD: Download the most recent Grid-to-PDF packages for PHP, ASP.NET, and Java here. As we were developing printing functionality for dhtmlxScheduler, it made sense to incorporate all the new advantages into the existing Gri...

Printing Capabilities. Part 2 – dhtmlxScheduler.

2 min read
About three months ago, we introduced a solution for converting dhtmlxGrid to PDF to provide the ability to print grid content. Now it's time to do the same for dhtmlxScheduler, just as we promised. The Scheduler-to-PDF soluti...

dhtmlxScheduler and Google Calendar: Collaboration

4 min read
NOTE: This tutorial is outdated. Please see this post on how to synchronize dhtmlxScheduler with Google Calendar. When developing dhtmlxScheduler, we were certainly inspired by Google Calendar, one of the most popular onlin...

Printing Grid Content

3 min read
UPD: Download the most recent Grid-to-PDF packages for PHP, ASP.NET, and Java here. If you've ever faced the problem of printing data from JavaScript datagrid, then this news will please you. At last we offer a solution for...

DHX Quick Tables. Pilot

5 min read
Update: DHX Quick Tables were deprecated. Now you can use DHTMLX JavaScript spreadsheet instead. The latest version of Quick Tables was released on November 5, 2010. To learn more, read this post or just download the latest...
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