Maintenance release: DHTMLX Gantt 7.0.10, Suite 6.5.6

Our development team has recently rolled out new releases for two DHTMLX products, namely Vault 4.0 and Pivot 1.5. Apart from these updates containing a number of new functionalities and fixes, we are eager to share with you some improvements implemented in Gantt and Suite libraries.

Check out the full list of enhancements for our main products below.

DHTMLX Gantt 7.0.10

7.0.10 (September 22, 2020)

  • (Fixed) the incorrect work of vertical resizers (the regression appeared in v7.0.9)
  • (Updated) Prevent unexpected page refresh which happened during vertical reordering of tasks on Android Chrome (pull-to-refresh)
  • (Fixed) the script error which fired during creating a link on mobile Firefox
  • (Fixed) the incorrect work of task selection when the multiselect config is enabled but the multiselect plugin is not activated
  • (Improved) the work of HTML select controls inside Inline Editors
  • (Fixed) the incorrect work of Auto Scheduling when linked tasks use different work calendars
  • (Updated) the gantt.plugins method will not activate plugins which are specified with false value
  • (Fixed) the conflict between Inline Editors and Keyboard Navigation
  • (Fixed) the issue that caused Inline Editors to close on double click

Learn more in the documentation >

Suite 6.5.4 – 6.5.6

6.5.4 (September 15, 2020)

  • (Fixed) the issue with the value of a cell when calling the afterEditEnd event of Grid
  • (Fixed) the issue with positioning of selection over frozen columns in Grid and TreeGrid
  • (Fixed) the incorrect work of the input filter of a Grid column when placing a grid into a shadowDOM
  • (Fixed) the incorrect work of the select filter of a Grid column after resizing of the column
  • (Fixed) the issue which caused hidden columns of Grid to be displayed in the exported Excel file
  • (Fixed) the incorrect behavior of scrolling Grid container when using keyboard navigation in a grid with frozen columns
  • (Fixed) the incorrect rendering of a Spline chart when a data set contains less than 3 records
  • (Fixed) the issue with visualization of the mark property of a Grid column after data reloading
  • (Fixed) the issue which caused a footer of a grid not to be included to the exported file

6.5.5 (September 17, 2020)

  • (Fixed) the behavior of the align property of a Grid column when the spans configuration option is used
  • (Fixed) the issue with rendering of Grid/TreeGrid

6.5.6 (October 5, 2020)

  • (Fixed) the incorrect work of the input filter of a Grid column when placing a grid into a shadowDOM while working in Firefox
  • (Fixed) the issue with key navigation in a grid placed to a layout cell, which caused key navigation to stop working after collapsing/expanding the layout cell
  • (Fixed) the incorrect work of the select filter of a Grid column after resizing the column
  • (Fixed) the issue with ignoring alignment of data in the column’s header while using spans in Grid
  • (Fixed) the incorrect behavior of editors when working with several grids on one page
  • (Fixed) the issue with the width of expanded items in Tree
  • (Fixed) the incorrect work of selection in Grid cells when using key navigation on a page with several grids

Learn more in the documentation >

Download the latest versions of our libraries and test them free of charge for 30 days:

Current clients may find the updated packages in their Client’s Area.
Feel free to leave your comments on this maintenance release and stay tuned for future updates!

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