Having provided a web-based scheduling solution, dhtmlxScheduler, we understand the importance of being able to share events and tasks between users or devices, which is often done via iCal format. Due to its popularity, iCal is widely used by many companies in their applications and software (e.g., Google Calendar, MS Outlook, Mac OS X, etc.). That’s why we created something that allows you to quickly and easily export/import iCal data to/from dhtmlxScheduler. This ‘something’ is a new utility – “iCal exporter”.
Before, dhtmlxScheduler could load only simple events from the iCal format and had some issues with recurring events. The tool we’re presenting today will allow you to transfer the events data from the iCal format to the format readable by dhtmlxScheduler, and vice versa (from dhtmlxScheduler to iCal). This will give you an effective way to export dhtmlxScheduler data to/from MS Outlook or Google Calendar.

dhtmlxScheduler - Import from iCal - Web Interface
This “iCal exporter” tool has a simple web interface where you can set some resource and database configuration options. Alternatively, you can insert the code of the “exporter”, a set of PHP classes, into your own application to provide iCal export functionality for the scheduler “behind the scenes”.
With this tool you can export iCal files to XML format and use it to populate the scheduler with data, or to an Array, as an intermediate variant. All related information is already in the dhtmlxScheduler documentation where you can find all the details: