Export to PDF functionality for dhtmlxScheduler is now available for ASP.NET (in addition to PHP and Java services). If you are using dhtmlxScheduler with ASP.NET and need to print your calendar, there is now an easy and quick way for it.

dhtmlxScheduler - Export to PDF
Grid-to-Excel export library for ASP.NET has also been updated. We’ve fixed the issue with background coloring, so now the resulting Excel file preserves the colors of the original grid.

dhtmlxGrid - Export to Excel
Download the newest Grid-to-Excel library for ASP.NET
Although we haven’t announced it, the export functionality (to PDF/Excel) for dhtmlxScheduler has already been available for Java for a while. Here is the download link: Scheduler-to-PDF for Java
You can find all available versions of export libraries, as well as other useful resources, on the Goodies page.