DHTMLX Touch support and development was discontinued when all DHTMLX components became adaptive.
We are excited to announce the official release of DHTMLX Touch v.1.0, a JavaScript mobile framework for building HTML5-based web apps. This update offers more stable performance, better platform compatibility, and extended customization options.
We haven’t changed the license terms, so you are welcome to download the latest version of the DHTMLX Touch framework and use it for free to create great looking web apps for mobile and touch devices. Version 1.0 provides a set of new features that simplify the development of HTML5 interfaces.

DHTMLX Touch - HTML5 Mobile Framework
Easy Skin Customization
We’ve simplified the way to customize the appearance of web apps built with DHTMLX Touch and improved the related documentation. In addition to the ability to modify the CSS, version 1.0 also offers the online Skin Builder. This tool allows developers to choose between several predefined skins and customize the skin colors online.

DHTMLX Touch 1.0 - Online Skin Builder
IDE Integration
With this update, we’re offering the autocompete feature for the main IDEs (MS Visual Studio, PHPStorm, WebStorm, NetBeans, Aptana Studio, Eclipse, etc.). It’s now easier to work with the DHTMLX Touch framework in your IDE of choice. All required files are included in the download package.

DHTMLX Touch 1.0 - Autocomplete in IDE
Back Button Support
With DHTMLX Touch 1.0, you can add back button support to a web page. This functionality is processed by the DHTMLX Touch framework, and you can customize its behavior choosing what event will be called when user taps back button of the browser.
Work Offline
We’ve also implemented the ability to save the application data offline by using the HTML5 offline features. This feature allows the end users to continue to work with apps when there is no internet connection.
New Slider Widget
Version 1.0 includes a new slider control for selecting a number from a range. The user can drag the thumb to choose the required value.

DHTMLX Touch 1.0 - Slider Control
Extended Compatibility
The previous version of DHTMLX Touch supported Chrome and Safari browsers. This update extends the list of supported platforms, adding the compatibility with desktop browsers (FF, Opera, IE8+) and BlackBerry support. Now the apps developed with DHTMLX Touch can also run in web browsers on desktop computers.
Other Improvements
Version 1.0 of DHTMLX Touch provides the improved documentation. It’s now easier to work with the framework and find the required information. We’ve also added the new demos and code samples to provide developers with more learning materials.
The online Visual Designer tool has been also updated to support all new features. The official version 1.0 includes a number of bug fixes and multiple small enhancements. The DHTMLX Touch framework now provides better customization capabilities, giving developers more opportunities to customize the appearance of mobile web apps.