DHTMLX Touch support and development was discontinued when all DHTMLX components became adaptive.
So, the day has come. Today we released the alpha of DHTMLX Touch, a JavaScript HTML5 framework for building cross-mobile web applications with touchscreen user experience. It was developed specially for mobile and touch devices, such as iPad, iPhone, Android-based phones and tablets, etc. You are welcome to download the alpha to see the current state of the framework and try it out.

DHTMLX Touch - JavaScript Framework for Mobile Web Applications
With DHTMLX Touch, we plan to offer a complete framework that will allow you to develop cutting-edge HTML5 and CSS3 applications for iOs, Android, and other mobile platforms. The framework is optimized to work with touchscreen interfaces and will be compatible with all the latest browsers that support HTML5 (WebKit-based browsers and the upcoming releases of FF and IE).
The current version includes a set of visual elements such as buttons, lists, sliding panels, toolbar, form, datagrid, etc. DHTMLX Touch offers JavaScript animation, easy customization, and theming. The color of UI components can be changed very easily with the online tool which generates necessary .css files and images. You can also try using our Visual Designer to build an application interface without coding (view the video below).
Though it may lack some of the functionality of the official release (planned for the first quarter of 2011), this alpha offers a first glance at how DHTMLX Touch will look and feel. We will let you know about intermediate updates in our blog, so stay with us :) Now we encourage you to test the current alpha and share your experience and feedback at our Forum.