Archive for 2011

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DHTMLX Touch 1.0 Released

3 min read
DHTMLX Touch support and development was discontinued when all DHTMLX components became adaptive. We are excited to announce the official release of DHTMLX Touch v.1.0, a JavaScript mobile framework for building HTML5-based...

Grid-to-PDF and Grid-to-Excel Now Available for ASP.NET

1 min read
We're happy to introduce an ASP.NET version of export feature for dhtmlxGrid. If you are using dhtmlxGrid in your ASP.NET application or website, you can now easily transfer the grid data to Excel or PDF. The export result pre...

dhtmlxSpreadsheet: Easy-to-Use Ajax Spreadsheet

3 min read
Offering the tools that make the life of a web developer easier, we would like to introduce another helper - dhtmlxSpreadsheet. It can save a lot of time for those who need to integrate, manage, and share web-based data tables...

Cross-Browser JavaScript Message Library

1 min read
After introducing a new dhtmlxMessage component in DHTMLX 3.0 UI Library, we decided to enhance it and provide a complete solution for displaying dialog boxes on a web page. Using the code of dhtmlxMessage, we've created a lig...

Autocompletion in IDEs for DHTMLX Library

3 min read
We have some exciting news for those of you who are used to work with IDEs and use the autocomplete feature. You now can enjoy autocomplete hints in your favorite IDE while you integrate the DHTMLX components into your web app...

How to Use dhtmlxGrid with ASP.NET MVC

9 min read
In this tutorial we are going to explain how to use dhtmlxGrid with ASP.NET MVC. Following this article step by step will allow you to implement an editable datagrid with sorting and filtering capabilities. We will also descri...

DHTMLX Java Tag Library by Mylaensys

1 min read
If you are a Java developer that uses DHTMLX components, check out the DHTMLX Java™ Tag Library created by Mylaensys. They offer a collection of easy-to-use custom tags to easily combine the power and flexibility of DHTM...

DHTMLX 3.0: Build Better Apps with Less Time and Efforts

4 min read
We have finally done it! Today we are releasing DHTMLX 3.0, an exciting update that brings a new level of simplicity and productivity in web application creation. The main idea behind 3.0 release is to make the DHTMLX libra...
Boost development with DHTMLX
5000+ customers use DHTMLX widgets to create powerful web apps