Archive for 2010

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Export dhtmlxGrid to Excel

2 min read
UPDATE: Use the links below to download the newest version of the export packages: dhtmlxGrid-to-Excel for PHP dhtmlxGrid-to-Excel for Java dhtmlxGrid-to-Excel for ASP.NET   Having developed a way to export gri...

Printing capabilities. Part 3. Grid-to-PDF Improvements.

2 min read
UPD: Download the most recent Grid-to-PDF packages for PHP, ASP.NET, and Java here. As we were developing printing functionality for dhtmlxScheduler, it made sense to incorporate all the new advantages into the existing Gri...

Gantt Chart Released

2 min read
For those who build MS Project-like tools, we have released our new control - dhtmlxGantt, an interactive JavaScript Gantt chart. A great feature set, a wide variety of options, flexibility, cross-browser compatibility, and...

dhtmlxScheduler 2.2 Released

3 min read
We are pleased to announce the update of dhtmlxScheduler to version 2.2. dhtmlxScheduler is a flexible and light-weight JavaScript scheduling calendar that provides an advanced scheduling solution, empowered with top-notch fun...

Printing Capabilities. Part 2 – dhtmlxScheduler.

2 min read
About three months ago, we introduced a solution for converting dhtmlxGrid to PDF to provide the ability to print grid content. Now it's time to do the same for dhtmlxScheduler, just as we promised. The Scheduler-to-PDF soluti...

Introducing dhtmlxDataView: Flexible, Easy, Multipurpose

3 min read
Have you ever been faced with a need to display objects with the same set of properties and behavior? I'm sure you have. Lists of contacts, sets of documents or files, product catalogs for online stores, image collections, etc...

dhtmlxForm. Filling the Gap.

2 min read
With the coming update of the DHTMLX library, we're going to introduce a new component, which will be also available as a separate download. This component was probably missing in our library by accident, but now it's time to ...

dhtmlxScheduler and Google Calendar: Collaboration

4 min read
NOTE: This tutorial is outdated. Please see this post on how to synchronize dhtmlxScheduler with Google Calendar. When developing dhtmlxScheduler, we were certainly inspired by Google Calendar, one of the most popular onlin...

New Support System and Forum Launched

1 min read
We have moved to a new support system for DHTMLX products, which we hope will help us provide you with more timely and accurate technical support. This system is available only for licensed users within their active support pe...
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