DHTMLX Blog - Visible

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DHTMLX Touch 1.0 Released

3 min read
DHTMLX Touch support and development was discontinued when all DHTMLX components became adaptive. We are excited to announce the official release of DHTMLX Touch v.1.0, a JavaScript mobile framework for building HTML5-based...

dhtmlxSpreadsheet: Easy-to-Use Ajax Spreadsheet

3 min read
Offering the tools that make the life of a web developer easier, we would like to introduce another helper - dhtmlxSpreadsheet. It can save a lot of time for those who need to integrate, manage, and share web-based data tables...

Cross-Browser JavaScript Message Library

1 min read
After introducing a new dhtmlxMessage component in DHTMLX 3.0 UI Library, we decided to enhance it and provide a complete solution for displaying dialog boxes on a web page. Using the code of dhtmlxMessage, we've created a lig...

iCal Export/Import Tool for dhtmlxScheduler

2 min read
Having provided a web-based scheduling solution, dhtmlxScheduler, we understand the importance of being able to share events and tasks between users or devices, which is often done via iCal format. Due to its popularity, iCal ...
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