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Using DHTMLX Grid with Ruby on Rails

8 min read
This is the update for the previous tutorial that explains how to use dhtmlxGrid with Ruby on Rails backend. We have rewritten this tutorial to be up to date with the latest RoR version. By following these step-by-step instruc...

Learning DHTMLX Suite UI Book

2 min read
If you like to gain new knowledge from books and would like to get a short course to the DHTMLX library, there is a good news for you. Packt Publishing released a book called "Learning DHTMLX Suite UI" written by Eli Geske, a ...

dhtmlxVault 2.0: Multiple File Uploader with Drag-and-Drop

2 min read
We are happy to announce the release of dhtmlxVault 2.0, a JavaScript file upload widget that allows you to upload one or more files to a web server. Version 2.0 comes with drag-and-drop support, multiple file upload, new even...

Building the DHTMLX Library with Grunt

4 min read
Grunt is a JavaScript task runner. It is like a swiss knife of JavaScript development. Due to the multiple plugins, Grunt can be used for wide set of tasks: file preprocessing, code minification, code linting, publishing, etc....

Easy Install of DHTMLX Scheduler and Gantt Chart

1 min read
Starting from today, you can install dhtmlxScheduler and dhtmlxGantt through Bower or NuGet, package managers for the web. Follow the easy instructions below and learn how to quickly launch the latest version of the Scheduler ...
Using Gantt and Scheduler with TypeScript

Using DHTMLX Scheduler and DHTMLX Gantt with TypeScript

5 min read
Updated on May 23, 2023. Developing a project management app is a formidable task. We try to help web developers from all over the world by providing feature-packed Gantt and Scheduler JavaScript libraries to speed up the implementation of popular too...

Creating Event Calendar with dhtmlxScheduler and AngularJS

7 min read
AngularJS is a modern JavaScript framework that allows creating rich client-side apps in a fast and productive way. It goes without saying that AngularJS is convenient and powerful in working with HTML. However, it doesn't hav...

DHTMLX Hot Fix for IE11 is Available

1 min read
Due to the functional peculiarities of the recently released IE11, DHTMLX users might encounter a number of malfunctions in their apps. To overcome these issues, please update affected files or the complete packages. This ...

Creating an Editable Grid with DHTMLX and Node.js

8 min read
Node.js is a flexible JavaScript platform that's becoming more and more popular these days. In the previous article, we have described how it can be used with MongoDB. However, you can use Node.js with relational databases as ...

dhtmlxGantt 2.0: Interactive JavaScript Gantt Chart

3 min read
We are happy to introduce a completely rebuilt and redesigned dhtmlxGantt 2.0! The new version of our JavaScript Gantt chart offers a richer feature set and a fresh new look, allowing you to create nice-looking interactive Gan...
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