Maintenance Release: Suite 8.3.6, Spreadsheet 5.1.4, Event Calendar 2.1.7

Hello everyone and welcome to the first maintenance release from the DHTMLX team in 2024. In January, our developers addressed reported issues for Suite, Spreadsheet, and Event Calendar libraries. Check out the whole list of delivered fixes below.

DHTMLX Suite 8.3.4-8.3.6

8.3.4 (January 4, 2024)

  • Calendar: the week number at the start of the year is calculated incorrectly (Fixed)
  • Colorpicker: сhanging the value in the palette mode does not change the value in picker mode (Fixed)
  • Form: the issue related to the destructor() method in DatePicker control (popup is not hidden) (Fixed)
  • Form: incorrect type for the hide() method (Fixed)
  • Form: the number input type cannot display the 0 number (Fixed)
  • Form: the destructor() method invokes an error, if the popup is open (Fixed)
  • Form: the colorpicker value property works incorrectly (Fixed)
  • Form: the timepicker value displayes incorrectly, if you specify the value property without a value (Fixed)
  • Grid/TreeGrid: the issue related to the autoHeight property. The Grid takes hidden columns into account (Fixed)
  • Grid/TreeGrid: the issue related to the beforeSort event. The sort direction stickes (Fixed)
  • Grid/TreeGrid: the footer summary calculates incorrectly in case of the empty value (Fixed)
  • Pagination: the issue related to the add() method. Populating data with the add() method breaks the pagination (Fixed)
  • Pagination: the applied filter(s) does not refresh pagination (Fixed)

8.3.5 (January 11, 2024)

  • DataCollection/DataProxy: the problem with the header Accept type while sending a request with the load() method (Fixed)
  • Form: triggering of the change event during the call of setValue() for controls (Fixed)
  • Form: the beforeChange event doesn’t block the selection of a radio button, if there hasn’t been a selected button in RadioGroup (Fixed)
  • Form: the issue with a numeric filter validating an empty value in an input (Fixed)
  • Grid/TreeGrid: сlosing editor in a numeric column cell by pressing the ESC key clears the cell’s value (Fixed)

8.3.6 (January 24, 2024)

  • Form: Button and ToggleGroup positioning in Layout as well as the functionality of their width and full properties (Fixed)
  • Form: the size of the Toggle and ToggleGroup controls (Fixed)
  • Form: the error that occurred after destructing an Avatar control (Fixed)
  • Form: incorrect styling of nested controls in the Fieldset control when the cols arrangement is applied first (Fixed)
  • Grid/TreeGrid: optimizing the work of Grid/TreeGrid while loading a great number of spans (Done)
  • Grid/TreeGrid: the mark property doesn’t work when a hidden row is displayed by the showRow() call (Fixed)
  • Grid/TreeGrid: a potential regular expression vulnerability in the input editor (Fixed)
  • Tree: a typo in types.ts (Fixed)
  • TreeGrid: applying grouping to the filtered data leads to losing the initial data (Fixed)

Learn more in the documentation >

DHTMLX Spreadsheet 5.1.2 – 5.1.4

5.1.2 (January 16, 2024)

  • The issue with copying and pasting cells. Copied and pasted cells with Date to Spreadsheet from Excel are displayed as strings (Fixed)
  • The issue with a numeric value in the “common” format that is formatted as a number (Fixed)
  • The issue with parsing data that mutates the initial dataset (Fixed)
  • The issue with pasting of spanned cells (Fixed)

5.1.3 (January 29, 2024)

  • Incorrect parsing of numeric values in the “common” format (Fixed)
  • Localization i18n issues when Spreadsheet is used together with Suite (Fixed)
  • Performance issues while loading a table with a great number of spans (Fixed)
  • Incorrect pasting of spanned cells (Fixed)

5.1.4 (January 31, 2024)

  • Incorrect pasting of spanned cells (Fixed)

Learn more in the documentation >

DHTMLX Event Calendar 2.1.6 – 2.1.7

2.1.6 (January 18, 2024)

  • Creating a new event and clicking the empty space closes the editor (Fixed)
  • Deleting a recurring event via the popup info works incorrectly (Fixed)
  • Incorrect DTEND of recurring events (Fixed)
  • Incorrect popup position in the Timeline view (Fixed)
  • Case-sensitive BYDAY component of RRULE is not compatible with Google Calendar (Fixed)
  • Unexpected behavior of the recurring event form in auto-save mode (Fixed)

2.1.7 (January 23, 2024)

  • Clicking on the event in the Year view causes a script error (Fixed)
  • Default event duration and timeStep don’t apply on event creation (Fixed)
  • Recurring. Changing end_date after a recurring event causes a script error (Fixed)
  • Single-day month events cannot be found by a CSS selector. Add specific classes to single-day and multievent (Done)

Learn more in the documentation >

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