Maintenance Release: Scheduler 5.1.1, RichText 1.0.1 and Gantt 6.0.4

And here comes the last portion of maintenance releases this year! Our dev team worked hard to ensure that everything is flawless in the recently updated Scheduling component v5.1, the newest JavaScript rich text editor v1.0 and our top-notch JavaScript Gantt 6.0.

Find out what was improved by our developers in dhtmlxRichText 1.0.1:

  • (Fixed) Incorrect undo behavior with the setValue method
  • (Fixed) Issue with the link background on switching between links
  • (Fixed) Issue with toolbar modifiers after removing a letter

Download the rich text editor’s latest trial version >

Get acquainted with dhtmlxRichText public roadmap and vote for the most anticipated features!

Check the list of updates in dhtmlxScheduler 5.1.1:

  • (Fixed) Keyboard navigation focus not being highlighted in the timeline
  • (Fixed) Incorrect initial height of timeline_scale_header if second_scale specified
  • (Fixed) Bug with event_min_dy not affecting section height if only one event is located inside a section
  • (Fixed) Bug with quick info popup self-closing when the same event is clicked multiple times
  • (Fixed) Script error which fired after deleting event in Year view
  • (Fixed) Incorrect initial display of scrolled timeline if no events loaded into the scheduler
  • (Fixed) Ability to enable smart rendering for non-scrollable timelines
  • (Fixed) Issue with scroll position resetting on date change when key_nav extension is enabled in the timeline
  • (Fixed) Incorrect value old_date argument of onBeforeViewChange event in some cases
  • (Fixed) Incorrect display of scrollable timeline with ignored time cells
  • (Fixed) Incorrect behavior if scrolling happened during drag-create of new events in day/week views
  • (Fixed) onAfterSchedulerResize event not firing in Timeline view
  • Performance improvement for event rendering in Week view

Download the Scheduler’s latest trial version >

Cath up with the latest updates in dhtmlxGantt 6.0.4:

  • (Fixed) Incorrect task position after task vertical dnd in order_branch=’marker’ mode
  • (Fixed) Script error after deleting a sub-tree which contains selected task
  • (Fixed) Script error on Save/Cancel lightbox containing resource filters

Download dhtmlxGantt 6.0.4 trial version >

Make the most out of the announced updates and enjoy the improved functionality of our components. Current clients may download their latest versions of DHTMLX products in the Client’s Area.

Looking forward to the hot and promising 2019! Happy Holidays!

Advance your web development with DHTMLX

Gantt chart
Event calendar
Diagram library
30+ other JS components