Following the recent release of dhtmlxScheduler v2.2 and the new skin for the calendar, we’re happy to introduce updates for its WordPress and Joomla! plugins. They have been updated to version 2.0 and now support the most significant features available in dhtmlxScheduler v2.2, such as Unit View, the mini-calendar extension, and a feature that prevents events from overlapping.

dhtmlxScheduler - WordPress plugin
The updated administration panel of the plugins gives more control over the calendar appearance and behavior. Through the simple interface, you can choose how the calendar will look on a page, configure access rights, and customize any detail of your scheduler. Generally, all the new features are reflected and available in the plugins’ new administration panel.

Scheduler plugin - Settings panel
We’ve improved the Access rights panel with more options to manage the accessibility to the calendar.
In the Templates panel, you can easily customize the appearance of the calendar: change date formats and time scales, and also define how events will look.
In the new Events administration panel you’ll find an easy way to add, edit, and delete events. This is just another way to manage events in your calendar in addition to the online interface of the calendar itself.

Event calendar plugin - Events administration panel
The new version of the scheduler plugins also provides the ability to create custom fields for events. That means you can add different parameters which will give the calendar more flexibility and features. For instance, you can configure the calendar to display events created by different users in different colors (we’ve often been asked about this feature, so here it is).

Event calendar plugin - Custom fields panel
Finally, as a nice addition to the WordPress plugin, the new version of the scheduler allows you to add a widget to the sidebar content to display upcoming events.
Please go to this page to get version 2.0 of the WP plugin for dhtmlxScheduler. The updated Joomla! plugin can be found on GitHub.