Archive for 2009

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Printing Grid Content

3 min read
UPD: Download the most recent Grid-to-PDF packages for PHP, ASP.NET, and Java here. If you've ever faced the problem of printing data from JavaScript datagrid, then this news will please you. At last we offer a solution for...

Joomla! and WP Plugins for dhtmlxScheduler Updated

1 min read
Right after the release of dhtmlxScheduler version 2.1, we updated the calendar plugins for the Joomla! and WordPress CMSs. The new plugin version 1.3 includes improvements and fixes introduced in the latest release of dhtmlxS...

DHX Quick Tables. Pilot

5 min read
Update: DHX Quick Tables were deprecated. Now you can use DHTMLX JavaScript spreadsheet instead. The latest version of Quick Tables was released on November 5, 2010. To learn more, read this post or just download the latest...

dhtmlxScheduler 2.1 Released

1 min read
Updated: The Scheduler skin builder tool was deprecated. We've updated our Ajax events calendar dhtmlxScheduler to version 2.1. The new release was improved with Agenda and Year Views, which give you more options to displa...

Minor Update for DHTMLX v2.5 Released

6 min read
We've released a new build 91111 of DHTMLX v2.5. This is basically a bug-fix release with some minor improvements for all the components included in the dhtmlxSuite package. Please see the full list of fixes and enhancement...

dhtmlxVault Updated to Version 1.5

1 min read
We are happy to announce that dhtmlxVault version 1.5 is now available! This version supports full localization, including button labels, and provides improved error handler for PHP (added handler for file size limit). [cap...

Skin Builder Available Online

1 min read
The Skin Builder beta is now available on It gives you the ability to choose the coloring scheme for a web interface built with the DHTMLX library. With the help of Skin Builder you can define custom colors for DHT...

WordPress Plugin for dhtmlxScheduler

1 min read
Today we released the WordPress plugin for dhtmlxScheduler. It allows easy integration of Ajax-enabled event calendar into WordPress CMS. The plugin supports the major functionality of dhtmlxScheduler and doesn't require any a...

DHTMLX 2.5 Released

3 min read
We proudly announce the official release of version 2.5 of the DHTMLX JavaScript widget library. We have been working hard, carefully preparing this update, to make it more comfortable and easy for you to build rich web interf...
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