DHTMLX announced the release of its new product – dhtmlxScheduler, a web-based appointment calendar which offers a simple in-browser scheduling solution. With smooth Ajax-enabled interface, dhtmlxScheduler allows users to add, modify, or delete events without refreshing the web page. Intuitive drag-and-drop behavior gives the possibility to change events date and start/end time by simply dragging the event boxes. The calendar events can be displayed in Day/Week/Month views.

dhtmlxScheduler - Ajax/JavaScript Events Calendar
dhtmlxScheduler is very lightweight (about 19KB gzipped) and works in all major web browsers (FF, IE, Safari, Opera, Chrome). The calendar is highly customizable. Each aspect of the interface can be configured through JavaScript API. Developers can easily add/update events, change date format, time scale, or calendar language.
Although dhtmlxScheduler is a pure JavaScript solution, it can be easily connected to the backend database with the help of dhtmlxConnector, a special extension that enables data communication between client-side interface and server-side datasource. You can also use your own server-side code written in any language (PHP, Java, ASP, etc.) to bind scheduler content to the database.
dhtmlxScheduler is distributed under GNU GPL and commercial licenses. For more info about dhtmlxScheduler and live demo, please visit: