DHTMLX RichText 1.2 with Adjustable Default Settings in Toolbar and Other Improvements

Today we are happy to announce the release of DHTMLX RichText v1.2. This minor release includes a single but helpful feature for web developers and end-users. From now on, it is possible to set the required default values in the toolbar controls of the editor, thereby freeing end-users from the necessity to do it manually. Whether you prefer Georgia, Verdana, or any other popular font for your work, RichText’s new features ensure that your text appears just the way you want it right from the start. Apart from that, we also prepared a pack of fixes that will enhance your experience with our JavaScript Rich Text Editor.

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In this blog post, we offer a detailed overview of this update.

Changing Default Settings for Editor’s Toolbar Controls

This feature is a cornerstone of this release. Starting from v1.2, you can preset default values for various text parameters such as font, font size, etc. during the initial setup. Thus, you can create a visually consistent and user-friendly text editing environment.

Programmatically, it can be done in the newly added defaultStyle config:

const richtext = new dhx.Richtext("richtext", {
    defaultStyle: {
        "font-family": "Georgia", //"Roboto", "Arial", "Georgia", "Tahoma", "Times New Roman", "Verdana"
        "font-size": "28px",
        "color": "#fff",
        "background": "#0288d1",
        "bold": true,
        "italic": false,
        "strike": false,
        "underline": true,
        "align": "center", //"left", "center", "right"

Check the sample >

What is the benefit of this feature for end-users? Let us imagine, for instance, that an organization uses our library in a corporate app for preparing documents. It is common for businesses to have specific guidelines related to the paperwork, including text formatting. And what if multiple users start simultaneously working on the same document and some of them forget to change text formatting settings? It will certainly turn out to be a mess. With the new feature, end-users can be sure that the required settings are applied by default and forget about the risk of errors and inconsistencies in text formatting.

As a result, web developers get more control over the editor’s behavior and can quickly change default settings for specific use cases. End-users won’t have to repeatedly adjust settings each time they start a new document, which optimizes their workflow and enhances productivity.

New Bug Fixes

We also did not forget to address the bugs reported by current users of DHTMLX RichText. In v1.2, we introduced the following fixes and improvements:

  • Cross-widget localization
  • Scripts to deploy npm-pro and npm trial packages
  • Corrected HTML parsing
  • Retyping the text with an embedded link does not cause an error anymore
  • When changing the font, the previous character no longer appears before the text

In the “What’s new” section of our documentation, you can find a quick revision of all the novelties included in DHTMLX RichText 1.2.

If you want to test the new version of our RichText right now, you are welcome to download a free 30-day trial version and get down to it. For our current clients, v1.2 is available in their Client’s Area.

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