

dhtmlxConnector is an extension for the DHTMLX library, which maps client-side components onto the server-side datasource. Supported components are:

Connector for PHP

Server-side connector for PHP

Connector for Java

Server-side connector for Java

Connector for ASP.NET

Server-side connector for ASP.NET

Connector for Cold Fusion

Server-side connector for Cold Fusion

Effective Data Communication and Processing

With dhtmlxConnector, you don't need to worry about data formats anymore. dhtmlxConnector handles data connections between the server side and the client-side DHTMLX components, seamlessly loading content from the database to the browser.

Integration with DataProcessor

As mentioned above, another great feature of dhtmlxConnector is easy integration with dhtmlxDataProcessor, which provides client-side visualization and communication. Due to this integration, application users will receive information about the current state of changed records, mandatory fields, and possible errors. Developers get events system and validation capabilities which provide full control over data processing.

dhtmlxDataProcessor can be used with the dhtmlxGrid, dhtmlxTreeGrid, dhtmlxTree, and dhtmlxCombo versions up to 5.1, as well as in dhtmlxSuite versions up to 5.1.

Terms of Use

The use of dhtmlxConnector and dhtmlxDataProcessor is covered by the license terms of the DHTMLX component that they are used with. Their use, in whole or in part, for purposes other than supporting DHTMLX components is prohibited.

Technical Support

There are two ways you can get external technical help on how to use dhtmlxConnectors:

Free community support on DHTMLX Forum

Guaranteed ticket support from DHTMLX technical support team through the online Support System. It is not included in the standard support subscription for dhtmlxSuite, or individual DHTMLX components, and should be purchased separately. The price for dhtmlxConnector support is $499 per year ($299 for a single component).