Visual Designer with Form Builder
DHTMLX 3.0 comes with a Visual Designer tool that allows you to build web application interface in a simple, user-friendly environment. The built-in Form Builder simplifies the creation of web forms, so you can easily include necessary form elements in your form and arrange them the way you need.
Data Store
dhtmlxDatastore enables you to keep your application data in one place on the client-side (data can be also downloaded dynamically from the server) and share this data with different components of application interface. In DHTMLX 3.0 all data-driven UI components can automatically "listen" to the data store they are linked to, and update their records when needed. When the end-user changes some records, they are updated in dhtmlxDataStore and reflected in all linked UI components automatically.
New and Updated Components
- dhtmlxForm - The dhtmlxForm component has been greatly updated with rich formatting capabilities and integration with Calendar and Combo.
- dhtmlxCalendar - We've rebuilt the calendar control so it now has an updated modern look.
- dhtmlxMessage - A new message utility allows you to notify the end-user about any activity in the application.
Complete List of Changes in DHTMLX 3.0
What's new:
- in case of loading from JSON, userdata can be non-string
- onBlur fires only once per activation
- onValidationError fires for each rule separately
- paste non-quoted data from clipboard
- top mode for updateFromXML
- valid m-order processing during filter update
- global userdata while loading from json
- isOpen for sub row
- new CSV parsing engine
- onBlur event
- onLastRow event
- onMouseOver event has 4th parameter
- onSetSizes event
- integration with Visual Designer
- integration with data store
- IE9 compatibility
What's fixed:
- large userdata in FF
- block selection in split mode in IE
- built-in filters and removing columns
- class name for rows in split mode and srnd
- cntr excell in static srnd split
- colspan in split mode
- correct sorting and filtering for complex JSON object in srnd mode
- correctly clearing invisible columns on clearAll
- ctnr and grid in split mode
- dnd between frames
- drag in treegrid by image
- dyn loading in JSON srnd mode
- fix for custom line heights on the page
- grid destruction from onRowDblClick event
- some browser compatibility issues in FF, Chrome, and IE9
- incorrect color preservation during dnd
- incorrect column auto-width for nord-row-select use-case
- incorrect cp column in multiline grid
- incorrect data serialization
- incorrect events for key navigation in excel keymap
- incorrect extra css rule inserting
- incorrect getColumnLabel for split mode
- incorrect parsing of multiple validation types for the same column
- incorrect paste for coro cells
- incorrect processing of complex dnd below scroll line
- incorrect rounding for negative numbers
- incorrect setColWidth, getColWidth results
- incorrect sizing of custom sub-grids
- incorrect sorting flag in split mode, when sorting for main column was blocked
- incorrect source in onBlur event
- incorrect styling in brick-paging skin
- incorrect total calculation for grid with moved columns
- incorrect validation can be triggered by checkbox clicking
- incorrect validation in case of end column
- issue with dnd error after releasing drag outside the current window
- issue with incorrect single click behavior after unfinished column moving action
- JSON and jsarray data loading with compressed code
- loadXMLString in IE9
- master_checkbox doesn't set wasChanged flag
- math operations in grid with compressed code
- numeric filter and => operation
- numeric filter returns undefined for empty text
- onGridReconstructed and extra lines extension
- page down in split mode
- performance of strict filter
- rotxt lost whitespace values
- row selectors and auto-width in grid
- scrolling in split grid, where first column is hidden
- selection for txt column in FF
- setStyle in case, when css file from different domains are used
- shift selection for single row
- stable sorting and groupBy mode
- subrow and single click behavior
- tab in access keymap and extra row
- tab order after edit coro column by mouse click
- value distortion in case of edn column type
What's new:
- some visual improvements in samples
- extra event parameter for onBeforeDrag event
- integration with Visual Designer
- integration with data store
- IE9 compatibility
What's fixed:
- drag-and-drop in IE9
- getAllCheckedBranches fix
- incorrect auto-loading type while loading open state for dynamic tree
- incorrect drag-and-drop in sibling mode
- incorrect getSrc for background images
- incorrect styling of selection in IE9
- math operations in grid with compressed code
- regression in context menu showing logic for Mac OS (show by ctrl-click)
- top offset issue in IE
What's new:
- some visual improvements in samples
- integration with Visual Designer
- integration with data store
- IE9 compatibility
What's fixed:
- deleting rows from closed branches of splitted treegrid
- incorrect navigation in split treegrid
- JSON and jsarray data loading with compressed code
- math operations in grid with compressed code
- setItemImage ignores icon path
What's new:
- integration with Visual Designer
- IE9 compatibility
What's fixed:
- issue with setSkin and dhx_skyblue
- removing tab which was not loaded yet
What's new:
- integration with Visual Designer
- integration with data store
- IE9 compatibility
What's new:
- completely rebuilt
- new appearance
- integration with Visual Designer
What's new:
- context.from always available
- onAfterRender is called for all render actions
- integration with Visual Designer
- integration with data store
- IE9 compatibility
What's fixed:
- double call of destructor
- drag and drop from grid and tree
- editor closes on shift-enter
- fix for dnd which starts on scroll-bar
- incorrect drag-creation handling
- incorrect paging for 1-record-per-page
- incorrect scrolls in case of auto-height
- issue with guid not saving as record_id for delete operations
- onAfterSelect on unselect
- pager click event
What's new:
- chart switches tooltips dynamically
- context.from always available
- onAfterRender is called for all render actions
- integration with Visual Designer
- integration with data store
- IE9 compatibility
What's fixed:
- double call of destructor
- bar charts and 0-1 scale
- incorrect maps for stacked charts
- incorrect y scale for data without y deviation
- skipping empty pie sections
- tooltips for single-serie charts
What's new:
- completely rebuilt
- new formatting capabilities: absolute positioning, blocks, field sets
- integration with dhtmlxCalendar, dhtmlxCombo, dhtmlxEditor, and dhtmlxColorPicker
- ability to create custom templates for the form items
- integration with data store
- integration with Visual Designer
- IE9 support
What's new:
- added getView()
- added getFrame()
What's fixed:
- attach url with ajax in case of views rendering fixed
What's new:
- integration with Visual Designer
- IE9 compatibility
What's new:
- new pattern 6E
- resize improved
- integration with Visual Designer
- IE9 compatibility
What's fixed:
- showStatusBar, hideStatusBar, detachStatusBar fixed
- header fixed
- tooltip fixed
- horizontal splitter height fixed
What's new:
- native event added as parameter for onBeforeContextMenu event
- hotkeys for checkboxes and radios
- passing id of container object into constructor is allowed
- integration with Visual Designer
- IE9 compatibility
What's fixed:
- addNewChild in dynamic menu for non-dynamic item fixed
- prevent href following after disabled item click
What's new:
- "maxOpen" param added to buttonSelect, define max count of visible polygon's items
- integration with Visual Designer
- IE9 compatibility
What's fixed:
- setListOptionSelecetd fixed
- unload improved
What's new:
- attachViewportTo can take object id
- show/hide improved for IE
- integration with Visual Designer
- IE9 compatibility
What's fixed:
- buttons position in blue/black/web skin
- move event fixed
- resize + attachURL fixes for IE7
- fix IE selection
What's new:
- rendering for FF/Opera/Chrome fixed/improved
- set/get content fixed/improved
- integration with Visual Designer
- IE9 compatibility