Custom sorting routine

In dhtmlxTree nodes can be sorted in ascendent or descendent order. Select an item in the tree and test this funcitonality using an appropriate action link.

Reorder selected branch (ASC)
Reorder selected branch (DES)
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	<title> Custom sorting routine</title>
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		var myTree;
		function doOnLoad(){
			myTree = new dhtmlXTreeObject("treeboxbox_tree","100%","100%",0);
		function sort_func(a,b){
			a= myTree.getItemText(a);
			b= myTree.getItemText(b);
			return a > b ? 1 :-1;
<body onload="doOnLoad()">
	<h1>Custom sorting routine - sort by second word</h1>
	<p>In dhtmlxTree nodes can be sorted in ascendent or descendent order. Select an item in the tree and test this funcitonality using an appropriate action link.</p>
				<div id="treeboxbox_tree" class="tree_demo_samples"></div>
			<td rowspan="2" style="padding-left:25px" valign="top">
				<a href="#" onClick="myTree.sortTree(myTree.getSelectedItemId(),'ASC',1);">Reorder selected branch (ASC)</a><br>
				<a href="#" onClick="myTree.sortTree(myTree.getSelectedItemId(),'DES',1);">Reorder selected branch (DES)</a><br>


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