Move option between selects
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<title>Move option between selects</title>
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var myForm, formData;
function doOnLoad() {
formData = [
{type: "settings", position: "label-top", labelWidth: 160, inputWidth: 160, labelHeight: 20},
{type: "multiselect", label: "All Contacts", name: "c_all", size: 8, options:[
{value: "1", text: "Fernando Novick"},
{value: "2", text: "Ted Spengler"},
{value: "3", text: "Lilia Horace"},
{value: "4", text: "Cody Derksen"},
{value: "5", text: "Mathew Musso"},
{value: "6", text: "Nelson Brayboy"}
{type: "newcolumn"},
{type: "block", list:[
{type: "button", name: "add", value: ">>", offsetLeft: 25, offsetTop: 60},
{type: "button", name: "remove", value: "<<", offsetLeft: 25}
{type: "newcolumn"},
{type: "multiselect", label: "Blocked Contacts", name: "c_blocked", size: 8, options:[
{value: "7", text: "Harriett Wickwire"},
{value: "8", text: "Fernando Frerichs"},
{value: "9", text: "Erik Couey"}
myForm = new dhtmlXForm("myForm", formData);
if (name == "add" || name == "remove") {
function changeContactState(block) {
var ida = (block?"c_all":"c_blocked");
var idb = (block?"c_blocked":"c_all");
var sa = myForm.getSelect(ida);
var sb = myForm.getSelect(idb);
var t = myForm.getItemValue(ida);
if (t.length == 0) return;
eval("var k={"+t.join(":true,")+":true};");
var w = 0;
var ind = -1;
while (w < sa.options.length) {
if (k[sa.options[w].value]) {
sb.options.add(new Option(sa.options[w].text,sa.options[w].value));
ind = w;
} else {
if (sa.options.length > 0 && ind >= 0) {
if (sa.options.length > 0) sa.options[t.length>1?0:Math.min(ind,sa.options.length-1)].selected = true;
<body onload="doOnLoad();">
<div id="myForm" style="height: 200px;"></div>
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