Creating custom item

Custom item (green radio-flag)

Custom item from custom item (red radio-flag)

</> Source
<!DOCTYPE html>
	<title>Creating custom item</title>
	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
	<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"/>
	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../../codebase/fonts/font_roboto/roboto.css"/>
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		/* green */
		div.dhxcombolist_material div.dhxcombo_option div.dhxcombo_checkbox.dhxcombo_radio_green_1 {
			background-image: url("../common/flags2/flag_green.png");
			background-position: center center;
		/* red */
		div.dhxcombolist_material div.dhxcombo_option div.dhxcombo_checkbox.dhxcombo_radio_red_1 {
			background-image: url("../common/flags2/flag_red.png");
			background-position: center center;
		/* unchecked - common */
		div.dhxcombolist_material div.dhxcombo_option div.dhxcombo_checkbox.dhxcombo_radio_green_0,
		div.dhxcombolist_material div.dhxcombo_option div.dhxcombo_checkbox.dhxcombo_radio_red_0 {
			background-image: url("../common/flags2/flag_gray.png");
			background-position: center center;
		/* log */
		#log_here {
			font-size: 8pt;
			font-family: Tahoma;
			width: 500px;
			height: 120px;
			border: 1px solid #cecece;
			padding: 2px 5px;
			overflow: auto;
		var myCombo, myCombo2;
		var eventIndex = 1;
		function doOnLoad() {
			// green
			myCombo = new dhtmlXCombo("combo_zone", "combo", 230, "my_radio_green");
			// onRadioCheck is a custom event used in custom item type, just as an example
			myCombo.attachEvent("onRadioCheck", function(value, state){
				log("onRadioCheck event for green, value: "+value+", new state: "+state.toString());
				return true;
			// red
			myCombo2 = new dhtmlXCombo("combo_zone2", "combo2", 230, "my_radio_red");
			myCombo2.attachEvent("onRadioCheck", function(value, state){
				log("onRadioCheck event for red, value: "+value+", new state: "+state.toString());
				return true;
		function log(text) {
			var t = document.getElementById("log_here");
			t.innerHTML += (eventIndex++)+") "+text+"<br>";
			t.scrollTop = t.scrollHeight;

		// green checkbox
		dhtmlXCombo.prototype.modes.my_radio_green = {

			// define if top image will present (at least you can use it for margin to justify text)
			image: true,

			// defile css for image, for better inheritance (see my_radio_red)
			image_css: "dhxcombo_checkbox dhxcombo_radio_green_#state#",
			option_css: "dhxcombo_option_text dhxcombo_option_text_chbx",

			// items pull, here we will keep all items to be able to uncheck them
			items: {},

			// last checked item within group, will used on loading stage,
			// only first item will checked if more than one have "checked" set to true
			last_checked: {},

			// this is basic render function, called by combo instance
			render: function(item, data) {

				// item - div created by combo, placed in popup list
				// data - item data, json from init/server

				// all items from simple combo belong to common parent,
				// we will set custom attr to it and collect items from common parent to group,
				// this will allow to separate items from several combos on page
				if (typeof(item.parentNode._optRbGroup) == "undefined") {
					// 1st creation, assign uniq id to parent
					item.parentNode._optRbGroup = window.dhx4.newId();
					this.items[item.parentNode._optRbGroup] = {}; // storage for items from single combo
				this.items[item.parentNode._optRbGroup][item._optId] = item;

				// check only first item from group
				var checked = window.dhx4.s2b(data.checked);
				if (checked) {
					if (typeof(this.last_checked[item.parentNode._optRbGroup]) == "undefined") {
						// first matched item, mark group
						this.last_checked[item.parentNode._optRbGroup] = true;
					} else {
						// group already have checked item, clear flag
						checked = false;

				// here you can save some item's params
				// value - mandatory, no matter how to save it, you just will need to return it several times
				item._conf = {
					value: data.value,
					css: "",
					checked: checked

				// main item class, make sure if you will change it - you need to add corresponding css
				item.className = "dhxcombo_option";

				// item text/image if any
				// dhxcombo_checkbox - default css for checkbox/image, postfix can be easily modified, see css above
				// dhxcombo_option_text dhxcombo_option_text_chbx - also default option text css
				// if you plan to use different css rules - make sure you not forgot to add them
				// text will saved later
				item.innerHTML = "<div class='"+String(this.image_css).replace("#state#",(item._conf.checked?"1":"0"))+"'></div>"+
						"<div class='"+this.option_css+"'>&nbsp;</div>";

				// add custom attr to radio-button image, to separate what element was clicked
				// item._optId - inner option uniq id (different than value), assigned by combo
				// can help you to identify your option
				item.firstChild._optRbId = item._optId;

				// apply css (default code, just for def-code compat)
				if (data.css != null) { += data.css;
					item._conf.css = data.css;

				// apply item text if any, also default code, will copied for "option" mode functionality
				// you also can use your own
				this.setText(item, data.text);

				// return object instance
				return this;

			destruct: function(item) {
				// nothing special, just clear storage
				this.items[item.parentNode._optRbGroup][item._optId] = null;
				item._conf = null;

			setChecked: function(item, state) {
				// check/uncheck item code
				item._conf.checked = window.dhx4.s2b(state);
				item.firstChild.className = String(this.image_css).replace("#state#",(item._conf.checked?"1":"0"));

				// is state==true - we need to turn "off" all other items from the same list
				if (state == true) {
					for (var a in this.items[item.parentNode._optRbGroup]) {
						if (a != item._optId) { // skip current item
							this.setChecked(this.items[item.parentNode._optRbGroup][a], false);

			isChecked: function(item) {
				// true if checked
				return (item._conf.checked==true);

			getExtraData: function(item) {
				// extra data will added to data returned by getOption()
				return {type: "my_radio_green", checked: item._conf.checked, extra_param: "value"};

			optionClick: function(item, ev, combo) {
				// called when option clicked, return true allows selection+confirm, return false - not
				// for exaple - return false to prevent list hiding if image was clicked
				var r = true;
				var t = (||ev.srcElement);
				while (r == true && t != null && t != item) {
					// check if node have "custom attr" (was set in render())
					if (t._optRbId != null) {
						// call custom event, if handler will return true - allow state-change
						// do not allow uncheck item by click
						if (item._conf.checked == false && combo.callEvent("onRadioCheck", [item._conf.value,!item._conf.checked]) === true) {
							this.setChecked(item, !this.isChecked(item));
							// also here we need to uncheck any checked button
						r = false; // return value, false if image was clicked
					} else {
						t = t.parentNode;
				t = combo = item = null;
				return r;

			getTopImage: function(item, enabled) {
				// returns html for top image
				// if item not specified - default image
				// enabled specify if combo enabled
				return "";

			topImageClick: function(item, combo) {
				// called when user clicked on top-image,
				// return true/false to allow defailt action (open/close list) ot not
				// for checkbox - perform default action
				return true;


		// copy some basic functionality like setText/getText, setValue, setSelected/isSelected (in-list highlight) from default item "option"
		dhtmlXComboExtend("my_radio_green", "option");

		// red checkbox, this item actually the same as green but css changed a bit
		dhtmlXCombo.prototype.modes.my_radio_red = {
			image_css: "dhxcombo_checkbox dhxcombo_radio_red_#state#"
		dhtmlXComboExtend("my_radio_red", "my_radio_green");


<body onload="doOnLoad();">
	<h3>Custom item (green radio-flag)</h3>
	<div id="combo_zone"></div>
	<h3>Custom item from custom item (red radio-flag)</h3>
	<div id="combo_zone2"></div>
	<div id="log_here"></div>


Check documentation to learn how to use the components and easily implement them in your applications.