DHTMLX Suite 9.1: Grid with Row Expander, Multi-sorting, Multiuser Backend, and New Samples

JavaScript/HTML5 Form

Fully customizable JavaScript forms with a wide range of form controls and form
validation. Part of the leading-edge Suite UI library.

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DHTMLX Form Key Features

Ability to hide/show Form or its controls
Cross-browser compatibility
Multilanguage support
Rich JavaScript API
Flexible customization
20 form controls (input, combo, checkbox, avatar, etc.)
Ability to add a label in the container control
Ability to attach any Suite widget
Ability to attach any HTML content
Built-in file upload control
Form validation
Disabling/enabling Form or some of it controls
Accessibility support

How to Create a Form in JavaScript

Follow these 5 quick steps to initialize a basic DHTMLX form:
Create an HTML file
Include the form js and css source files in the header
Add a container with an id - e.g. “form_container”
Specify a set of form controls you need
Initialize the widget with the dhx.Form object constructor

DHTMLX Suite Demos with JavaScript/HTML5 Form


Why Choose DHTMLX JavaScript Form Widget?

Create a complex form with diverse controls
With DHTMLX Form, you can build a feature-rich JavaScript form with plenty of various controls, including custom HTML content or other Suite widgets. All controls can be arranged in groups (blocks) united by a common purpose.
Set up JavaScript form validation
A validation API lets you verify if the form was filled out correctly by specifying the required fields and applying some of the predefined validation rules. You can also prepare notification messages to inform users about errors or successful validation.
Customize forms to suit your needs
Our JavaScript forms offer simple and flexible customization. You can specify labels for controls in various languages to cater to users from different countries. Besides, the appearance of forms and form controls can be tailored via CSS.
Support for Angular, React, and Vue.js
Our JavaScript form widget can be easily used in web apps built on the basis of the leading frameworks: Angular, React, Svelte, and Vue.js. We have developed special wrappers for a smooth integration in your projects.
Get a free 30-day trial of the UI widget library
You’ll receive free technical support from our team with integrating DHTMLX Suite UI library and fine-tuning it. After the evaluation, you may continue with a paid license for commercial usage or the GNU GPL version for open-source projects.
Consult documentation
In the documentation of the DHTMLX JavaScript Form widget, you’ll find the API references and step-by-step guides to quickly initialize, configure, and integrate widgets with the backend and React, Svelte, Angular, and Vue.js frameworks.
Work with code snippets
With the help of the code snippets, you can explore every JavaScript/HTML5 form feature. Online samples allow you to experiment with JavaScript and HTML code and share your results with the team or our tech support.
Free trial
Download Suite free trial
We suggest you try out the functionality of the DHTMLX Suite widgets library and download a free 30-day trial version. You’ll also get the latest updates and official technical support.
Use Optimus framework
DHTMLX Optimus is a JavaScript micro-framework you can use to develop DHTMLX-based web apps faster and with less need for coding.
Official tech support
Get help from tech support
Being a trial user or an owner of a proprietary license, you can always get technical or licensing assistance. On this page, you’ll find available channels and resources for obtaining tech support.
Community forum
Browse DHTMLX forum
The forum has saved up lots of shared knowledge on working with DHTMLX JS UI widgets and in other other technologies. Our tech support team monitors topics and answers common questions.
Get open-source version
This is the DHTMLX Suite JavaScript widget library open source version under the GNU GPL v2 license for non-commercial projects. It comprises all the features from the Standard edition.
Apply CSS templates
On this page, you can learn how to quickly create a user-friendly JavaScript application with DHTMLX Suite in four steps and also find new CSS templates.
Check for updates
Our blog is a comprehensive resource where you can find out all the latest DHTMLX Suite releases, helpful tips, technical tutorials, case studies, and other company updates and offerings.

Latest Blog Posts

Building a Registration Form with Validation Using the DHTMLX JavaScript Form Widget
Creating a Simple Login Form with JavaScript UI Library of DHTMLX Suite
DHTMLX Gantt Lightbox Editor Amplified with Suite UI Widgets
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Discover the recently launched DHTMLX Suite versions, fresh developer guides, and tutorials with code snippets and practical tips from our tech team.
Try All UI Widgets for Free
All JavaScript UI widgets are part of the DHTMLX Suite library. You can download a free trial version and benefit from:
30 days of free evaluation
Official technical support
Full toolkit of 23 components
PRO features
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