DHTMLX Suite 9.1: Grid with Row Expander, Multi-sorting, Multiuser Backend, and New Samples

JavaScript Widget Library for Web Apps - DHTMLX Suite

Lightweight, fast, and versatile JavaScript/HTML5 UI widgets library for creating modern user interfaces.

DHTMLX Suite helps to advance web development and build data-intensive applications with rich functionality.

Top industry players use DHTMLX Suite for creating web apps of any complexity with minimum time and cost efforts.
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Try DHTMLX Suite Live Demo

DHTMLX Suite Demo

Toolbar for arranging controls to manage files:

  • Two-state buttons
  • Input field
  • Separators
  • Custom icons etc.

DataView for showing multiple items arranged in a specific order:

  • Drag-n-drop of items
  • Keyboard navigation
  • Custom templates
  • Checkboxes etc.

Tabbar for switching between different webpage sections:

  • Top, bottom, right, left modes
  • Configurable size and width
  • With and without content
  • Close buttons etc.

Tree for a handy navigation system with:

  • Smart drag-n-drop
  • Keyboard navigation
  • Inline editing
  • Checkboxes etc.

Menu for fast navigation and adding context menus:

  • Attaching context menus to HTML objects or mouse events
  • Custom icons for menu items
  • Adding spacers and separators
  • Hiding and showing menu options etc.

Form for providing controls to interact with web apps:

  • Input fields, select boxes, radio buttons, etc.
  • Form validation
  • Built-in file upload control
  • Attaching timepicker, datepicker, and colorpicker, etc.

Layout for arranging UI components on a page:

  • Vertical, horizontal, mixed layout
  • Attaching any DHTMLX components
  • Collapsibility
  • Resizability etc.

JavaScript/HTML5 UI Widgets Demos

Hotel Management System
JavaScript Dashboard
Online Examination System
Hospital Management System
Courier Tracking Template
KPI Tracking System
HTML5 File Manager
Hotel Management System
Hotel Management System
Customizable Grid widget to visualize hotel occupancy, add new reservations, sort them in ascending/descending order, and edit data from the UI.
Built-in calendar to display a list of reservations on a selected date.
Hotel management system allows end-users to monitor and manage the latest reservation requests and new guest reviews.
JavaScript Dashboard
JavaScript Dashboard
DHTMLX Chart widget to visualize various sales-related data.
Displaying customer requests assigned between different departments with DataView.
Blend of List and Pagination widgets to navigate through notifications from multiple social networks.
Creating a fully-fledged JavaScript dashboard by adding DHTMLX Gantt to manage projects and tasks efficiently, Scheduler to schedule events, and RichText to work with text.
Online Examination System
Online Examination System
Online examination system allows creating 3 substances, including Admin, Teacher to add and configure online exams, and Student to take exams and see the results.
Displaying a collapsable list of exams with a TreeGrid and filtering them by subject, difficulty level, and status using combo and checkbox controls.
Using the Form widget to create an online exam form with the option to set a type of response (one or more correct answers).
Hospital Management System
Hospital Management System
Creating patient records and assigning a doctor and free bed with the help of the Form widget.
DHTMLX TreeGrid to plan and manage bed allocation.
Searching for necessary records by bed status, care required, and diagnosis. It's also possible to filter by an admission date via the DatePicker widget.
Hospital management system demo is a combo of Suite UI widgets and other DHTMLX libraries, including Diagram to build a hospital org chart, Spreadsheet to manage patient records, and RechText to generate medical certificates.
Courier Tracking Template
Courier Tracking Template
Courier tracking template is an example of a real-time location tracking app built with Google Maps.
Combining DataView, List, and Tabbar widgets to display the list of couriers and their tasks and quickly switch between views.
Filtering tasks by the courier’s name, type of vehicle, purchase status, and delivery address by choosing the relevant options set out in the Form widget.
KPI Tracking System
KPI Tracking System
KPI tracking system includes different chart types, e.g. Donut, Spline Area, Bar, X-Bar, and Radar, which display particular indicators to conveniently monitor sales performance.
Attaching the listview widget to display and manage sales department staff.
The option to display the performance results of a specific employee by clicking on the corresponding List item.
Arranging all DHTMLX widgets and custom HTML content with the help of the Layout widget.
HTML5 File Manager
HTML5 File Manager
Uploading and downloading files.
Managing files and folders, sorting them in ascending/descending order.
HTML5 file manager example is built with Material design.
Arranging folders in the tree structure.
Option to keep track of free space left.

JavaScript UI Widgets Included in DHTMLX Suite

Data Visualization and Analysis Widgets
Forms and Editors
Layout and Navigation Widgets
Windows and Popups

Key Features of DHTMLX Suite

Extensive and easy-to-use API
Cross-browser compatibility
Material Design
Full interface customization
CSS widget templates
Lazy loading
Compatibility with JS frameworks
Built-in themes: Light, Light Contrast, Dark, and Dark Contrast
Custom themes
Theme configurator
Integration with any backend technology
TypeScript support
Accessibility: WAI-ARIA, keyboard navigation
Export to Excel (for Grid)
Export to PDF/PNG (for Charts, Grid, and TreeGrid)
Progress bar (for container widgets)

Style Your Widgets with Themes and Theme Configurator

DHTMLX Suite offers four predefined themes for styling JavaScript UI widgets in your app: Light, Light Contrast, Dark, and Dark Contrast. You can also pick up a desired style preset using the theme configurator.

Why Choose DHTMLX JavaScript Widget Library?

Versatile UI widget library
Suite is an all-encompassing library with 20+ widgets for creating interactive web apps. Its rich API simplifies JavaScript/HTML5 UI widgets customization to meet your requirements. A short learning curve and simple OOP structure enable you to accelerate web development.
Working with modern technologies
With DHTMLX Suite UI widgets you can build full-featured web interfaces with great performance in all modern browsers. The API gives you an advantage of using all the latest technologies including REST for integrating HTML5 UI widgets with the backend.
Flexible customization of all JavaScript UI widgets
By default, the DHTMLX HTML5 widget library is designed based on Material style. However, you can change every aspect of the widgets' look and feel by creating new CSS classes with custom settings. The Suite library also allows adding a custom scrollbar.
Accessibility and usability
DHTMLX Suite meets the main requirements of the WCAG 2.0 standards. The library comes with a set of built-in themes, including high-contrast light and dark ones, supports keyboard navigation, and implies using special WAI-ARIA attributes.
Get a free 30-day trial of the UI widget library
You’ll receive free technical support from our team with integrating DHTMLX Suite UI library and fine-tuning it. After the evaluation, you may continue with a paid license for commercial usage or the GNU GPL version for open-source projects.

DHTMLX Suite Licensing

Total: $799
Total: $1699
Total: $3499
Total: $6999
License Terms Read License Agreement Read License Agreement Read License Agreement Read License Agreement
Developers 1 5 20
Projects 1 1 5
Use in SaaS (unlimited end-users)
Upon request for a fee
Source code
Perpetual distribution rights
Support Plan
Standard Premium Premium Ultimate
Time Period 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year
Updates Major, minor, and maintenance updates Major, minor, and maintenance updates Major, minor, and maintenance updates
Major, minor, and maintenance updates
Priority queue for bug fixing
Support requests 10 30 50
Response time 72h 48h 48h 24h
Personal Account Manager
PRO PRO + 1 add-on PRO + 2 add-ons PRO + 3 add-ons
PRO features
Free local Excel export module for Grid
Free local PDF/PNG export module
Online export to PDF/PNG without watermark Free for 1 year Free for 1 year Free for 1 year Free for 3 years
License Terms Read License Agreement
Developers 1
Projects 1
Use in SaaS (unlimited end-users)
Source code
Perpetual distribution rights
Support Plan
Time Period 1 year
Updates Major, minor, and maintenance updates
Support requests 10
Response time 72h
Personal Account Manager
PRO features
Free local Excel export module for Grid
Free local PDF/PNG export module
Online export to PDF/PNG without watermark Free for 1 year
License Terms Read License Agreement
Developers 5
Projects 1
Use in SaaS (unlimited end-users) Upon request for a fee
Source code
Perpetual distribution rights
Support Plan
Time Period 1 year
Updates Major, minor, and maintenance updates
Support requests 30
Response time 48h
Personal Account Manager
PRO + 1 add-on
PRO features
Free local Excel export module for Grid
Free local PDF/PNG export module
Online export to PDF/PNG without watermark Free for 1 year
License Terms Read License Agreement
Developers 20
Projects 5
Use in SaaS (unlimited end-users)
Source code
Perpetual distribution rights
Support Plan
Time Period 1 year
Updates Major, minor, and maintenance updates
Support requests 50
Response time 48h
Personal Account Manager
PRO + 2 add-ons
PRO features
Free local Excel export module for Grid
Free local PDF/PNG export module
Online export to PDF/PNG without watermark Free for 1 year
License Terms Read License Agreement
Use in SaaS (unlimited end-users)
Source code
Perpetual distribution rights
Support Plan
Time Period 1 year
Major, minor, and maintenance updates
Priority queue for bug fixing
Support requests
Response time 24h
Personal Account Manager
PRO + 3 add-ons
PRO features
Free local Excel export module for Grid
Free local PDF/PNG export module
Online export to PDF/PNG without watermark Free for 3 years
Get a 70% Discount on DHTMLX Suite for Your Startup
One-year license for DHTMLX JavaScript UI widget library to help you cut your time-to-market and deliver top-notch software solutions.

Unlock up to 65% Savings with DHTMLX Bundles

Open-source Suite Version - Standard Edition
The open source version of DHTMLX Suite (Standard Edition) is distributed under the GPL v2.0 license. If you have an open-source project licensed under a GPLv2-compatible license and do not need PRO features, you may use DHTMLX Suite Standard Edition for free. This version does not come with official technical support, but you can access assistance through the community forum.

What Customers Say

I would never have been able to build the sophisticated system that our customers are now able to use without the DHX products. I reduced our overall time-to-market by a large margin. Both the sales side and the support side of DHX are very customer-centric. Great overall experience!
Neil Dempster
Lead Consultant, Clearview Performance Systems
We have used DHTMLX for more than 15 years and the Suite provides the core UI for a large and complex application. They respond quickly to bug reports or questions about usage. Version 6 has a clean modern look and is designed for modern browsers.
David Basri
President, Point Enterprises, Inc.
We have used DHTMLX javascript libraries in our product for last 10 years. They are feature rich and easy to integrate.
Kiruba Raja
CEO, MindLogic Inc
Fully-featured UI to put on top of our data model and processes. Very flexible with many features. Robust documentation with examples. Active and highly responsive support community.
Brad Edgerly
Chief Architect, Creative SparQ
Consult documentation
In the documentation of the DHTMLX Suite UI library you’ll find the API references and step-by-step guides to quickly initialize, configure, and integrate widgets with the backend and React, Angular, and Vue.js frameworks.
Work with code snippets
With the help of the code snippets, you can explore every JS UI widget library feature. Online samples allow experiment with JavaScript and HTML code and share your results with the team or our tech support.
Free trial
Download Suite free trial
We suggest you try out the functionality of the DHTMLX Suite UI library and download a free 30-day trial version. You’ll also get the latest updates and official technical support.
Use Optimus framework
DHTMLX Optimus is a JavaScript micro-framework you can use to develop DHTMLX-based web apps faster and with less need for coding.
Official tech support
Get help from tech support
Being a trial user or an owner of a proprietary license, you can always get technical or licensing assistance. On this page, you’ll find available channels and resources for obtaining tech support.
Community forum
Browse DHTMLX forum
The forum has saved up lots of shared knowledge on working with DHTMLX JS UI widgets and in other technologies. Our tech support team monitors topics and answers common questions.
Discover our GitHub repository
Here is the official DHTMLX repository on GitHub. There, you can find the Standard edition of the Suite JavaScript UI library and Standard editions of other DHTMLX components.
Apply CSS templates
On this page, you can learn how to quickly create a user-friendly JavaScript application with DHTMLX Suite in four steps and also find new CSS templates.
Check for updates
Our blog is a comprehensive resource where you can find out all the latest DHTMLX Suite releases, helpful tips, technical tutorials, case studies, and other company updates and offerings.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I purchase and use separate JavaScript UI widgets from DHTMLX Suite library?

You can use DHTMLX Calendar, Charts, Grid, Tree, and TreeGrid separately. Other HTML5 UI widgets are tightly linked to each other and can't be used independently outside of the DHTMLX Suite library.

Where can I find examples of DHTMLX HTML5 UI widgets with source code?

You can browse our code snippet collection with snippets for each and every use case of DHTMLX JavaScript UI widgets. You can also examine DHTMLX Suite 8 demos created as examples of real-life applications.

Does DHTMLX Suite library support TypeScript?

Yes, DHTMLX Suite provides support for TypeScript and includes built-in type definitions. Type suggestions, autocompletion, and type checking will help you work with DHTMLX widgets in a more intuitive and fast way.

If we purchase a DHTMLX Suite license, will we get both version 5 and 8?

Yes, if you purchase a DHTMLX Suite license, you will get all Suite versions including v5 and v8.

Can I use both versions 5 and 8 of DHTMLX Suite in the same application?

Yes, you can use both versions of our HTML5 widget library in the same app. As DHTMLX Suite v8 is a UMD package, you should add it to a page via import / require. Then v5 and v8 won't conflict with each other in your app.

Does the DHTMLX UI widget library include backend connectors?

There are no connectors in DHTMLX Suite 8. All the data widgets use the dataCollection helper to load the data. This helper supports a native JSON format and RESTful API, so it can deal with any backend technology. You just need to populate DHTMLX widgets with a valid JSON dataset.

Can I use features and methods available in DHTMLX Suite 5 when working with Suite 8?

Suite 8 has a new set of JavaScript widgets and a completely new API, so you can't use the functionality of v5 in DHTMLX Suite 8.

Will you release any updates to DHTMLX Suite 5?

No, we aren't going to release any minor or major updates to DHTMLX Suite 5. The last version available is v5.2. However, we will continue providing technical support to our clients who stick to this version.

Latest Blog Posts

Integrating DHTMLX Gantt with Suite’s Toolbar Widget for Convenient Project Management
Master Time Management with DHTMLX JavaScript Calendar Widgets
Integrating a Context Menu into a JavaScript Gantt Chart with DHTMLX
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