DHTMLX team continues to provide developers with flexible and versatile client-side components for building rich and interactive Ajax enabled web interfaces. This time the company released a new JavaScript combobox with autocomplete capabilities dhtmlxCombo v1.0.
We have released new Ajax-based UI component dhtmlxCombo v1.0. It’s a JavaScript combobox control which provides suggestion search and automatic completion functionality to web-based applications. Being cross-browser compatible, easy to integrate and completely configurable, dhtmlxCombo helps developers effortlessly create dynamic auto-completing dropdown lists.
dhtmlxCombo can be easily converted from existing HTML SELECT or populated with JavaScript. Thanks to Ajax support the component works fast and smoothly with large sets of data, loading list of suggestions dynamically on demand. Working example which handles 100,000 records is available on our website.
The component features type-ahead, keyboard support and ability to display images in the dropdown list. Working as autocomplete tool, dhtmlxCombo requests content from server as user types in the input field and provides a list of relevant values.
dhtmlxCombo can be used in four modes:
Live examples for each mode and detailed information about dhtmlxCombo can be found on combobox homepage.